An important part of the healing process and the spreading of awareness which is so important to controlling Postpartum Depression and Postpartum Psychosis is the bringing together of those who have experienced it. Whether your knowledge is first hand, by a loved one, or from a friend of a friend, all stories are valuable tools to bring together a community and perhaps save a life. If by sharing your story, you alert a mother, a husband, a coworker or a friend to the symptoms in someone they love than we have succeeded in our goal. Secondly, for those who have experienced the wide variety of consequences from these two disorders from the small to the horrific, hearing the experiences of others helps to bring a sense of comfort, understanding and compassion for their own situation. You are not alone. Give someone the gift of your experience. Share your story.
As the community grows, I will take the opportunity to highlight one story at a time here. Along with these gifts of experience, please take a moment to sign the guest book. If you don't feel comfortable leaving your story, leave a message of support, a saying, a thought. Thank you.